
You can help grow Ingrid Nickelsen’s legacy by donating to the Trust. The Ingrid Nickelsen Trust is not a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are not tax deductible.

To start a conversation about planned giving options, such as including the Ingrid Nickelsen Trust in your will or donating stock, contact our financial advisor, Greg Hale.

Morgan Stanley 
Attn: Greg Hale
Associate Vice President
Financial Planning Specialist 
Financial Advisor

To send a non-tax deductible

contribution, mail your check to:

Ingrid Nickelsen Trust

EIN 42-


c/o Morgan Stanley

12421 Buhne Street

Eureka. CA 95501

Attn: Greg Hale, Associate Vice President

When you remember the Ingrid Nickelsen Trust in your estate planning, you contribute to Ingrid Nickelsen’s legacy of supporting and validating women artists in Humboldt County.